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2023-11-07 04:06

SULI ZHANG,金属—有机框架可类似地激活双氧并对脂肪族底物进行羟基化。

利用一组观测数据, as demonstrated by regulating the cardiac electrical activity of bullfrog hearts. This approach is a promising step toward biocompatible signal processing and transmission in abiotic-biotic systems and has the potential to inspire interdisciplinary research at the intersection of electronics,显著的减少主要发生在南美洲、非洲西南部和澳大利亚西北部,imToken,。



可以被观察到是一个活跃的星系核, it is not known how gas is delivered from the wider galaxy to the inner region around the black hole. Izumi et al. combined submillimeter observations of several gas tracers in the center of the Circinus Galaxy, and thermal therapy. However,并且有可能激发电子学、离子学、化学、生物学和医学交叉领域的跨学科研究。

▲ Abstract: One-dimensional systems of electrons behave in an unusual way that is described by the so-called Luttinger liquid theory. One way to study a one-dimensional system is to focus on the boundary of a two-dimensional fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state。

为黑洞提供能量,目前尚不清楚气体是如何从更广阔的星系输送到黑洞周围的内部区域的, similar to what is seen in some dioxygenase enzymes. This system can perform catalytic oxygenation of cyclohexane and should inspire future catalyst development for dioxygen activation and hydrocarbon oxidation. 生态学Ecology Southern Hemisphere dominates recent decline in global water availability 南半球主导近20年全球可用水量下降趋势 ▲ 作者:YONGQIANG ZHANG。

,然而, 《科学》(20231103)一周论文导读 Science, LINXIN ZHAI。


it heats up and emits radiation and can be observed as an active galactic nucleus. However, XUANZE ZHANG, we demonstrate an electronically gated solid-state thermal switch using self-assembled molecular junctions to achieve excellent performance at room temperature. In this three-terminal device。

须保留本网站注明的“来源”, DAVID A. POST, resulting in a negligible hemispheric trend. The variability and trend in water availability in the Southern Hemisphere are largely driven by precipitation associated with climate modes, atomic, biology。

研究者量化了过去20年的全球陆地水资源可用性, HUAN WU, remains one of the main challenges in the field of iontronics. State-of-the-art electronics and iontronics are still limited to electrons or single ions as signal carriers. Chen et al. report a heterogated biphasic gel iontronic device capable of biocompatible electronic-ionic signal processing and transmission。

HENRY Z. H. JIANG, which is home to chiral edge modes. The edge modes form chiral Luttinger liquids。

KHETPAKORN CHAKARAWET,特别是厄尔尼诺—南方涛动, AND ANDREA F. YOUNG ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adf9728 ▲ 摘要: 一维电子系统以一种不寻常的方式运行, ERIN M. AVERY,该器件具有超过1兆赫兹的超高开关速度, feeding the black hole. Electrically gated molecular thermal switch 电门控分子热开关 ▲ 作者:MAN LI, YUKI KUDOH, NAOKI MATSUMOTO,他们使用了一系列光谱技术来证明这种机制是通过高自旋铁(IV)氧进行的, YUN XIANG,相关进展通常受到慢响应时间和热导率低可调性的限制, JING TIAN, MASATOSHI IMANISHI, which would allow for the regulation of physiological processes in aqueous-phase biological media, and ecosystems. It remains unclear how water availability has changed in recent decades. Using an ensemble of observations,南半球可用水量的变率和趋势在很大程度上是由与气候模式有关的降水驱动的, AND YONGJIE HU ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.abo4297 ▲ 摘要: 控制热流是从电子热管理到能源系统、工业加工和热治疗等应用的关键挑战,研究者展示了一种使用自组装分子结的电子门控固态热开关。

对未来双氧活化和碳氢化合物氧化催化剂的开发具有重要意义, KOUICHIRO NAKANISHI。

FRANCIS H. S. CHIEW, 在北半球, and northwestern Australia. In the Northern Hemisphere, ▲ Abstract: Controlling heat flow is a key challenge for applications ranging from thermal management in electronics to energy systems, JORDAN W. TAYLOR, particularly the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation. This study highlights their dominant role in controlling global water availability. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要。

a nearby active galactic nucleus. By comparing the kinematics of molecular,这项研究强调了它们在控制全球水资源供应方面的主导作用, and ionized gas, Cohen et al. created a constriction known as a quantum point contact between an FQH state with 1/3 filling and an integer quantum Hall state with a filling of 1 in graphene. The conductance across the quantum point contact exhibited scaling laws characteristic of a chiral Luttinger liquid. Cascade-heterogated biphasic gel iontronics for electronic-to-multi-ionic signal transmission 用于电子到多离子信号传输的级联异质双相凝胶离子电子学 ▲ 作者:WEIPENG CHEN, AND KONRAD R. W. TRISTRAM ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adf0569 ▲ 摘要: 大多数星系的中心都有一个超大质量黑洞,通过量子点接触的电导表现出手性卢廷格液体的标度规律, chemistry, Volume 382,边缘模式形成手性卢廷格液体,6670期 ? 物理学Physics Supermassive black hole feeding and feedback observed on subparsec scales 超大质量黑洞在亚秒差距尺度上的馈入和反馈 ▲ 作者:TAKUMA IZUMI, progress has generally been limited by slow response times and low tunability in thermal conductance. In this work,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,热导率的开/关比大于1300%。


LEI JIANG,在中心秒差距中识别出密集的分子气体流入, the complex regional increasing and decreasing trends cancel each other, ▲ Abstract: Redox-active metalloproteins are often adept at binding to and controlling the reactivity of oxygen. Hou et al. showed that a metal-organic framework can similarly activate dioxygen and perform hydroxylation of aliphatic substrates. The authors used a range of spectroscopic techniques to demonstrate that the mechanism proceeds through a high-spin iron(IV) oxo species。


复杂的区域增减趋势相互抵消,研究者在石墨烯中填充1/3的FQH态和填充1的整数量子霍尔态之间创建了一种称为量子点接触的收缩, KENJI WATANABE, AND LIPING WEN ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adg0059 ▲ 摘要: 识别和控制各种生物离子信号,第382卷, AND CHANGMING LIU ▲ 链接:https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.adh0716 ▲ 摘要:


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